St Etienne - Marseille

0:4 (0:2,0:2)
22.12.2024 14:45

Summary | Lineups | Stats | Commentary | H2H

That's the end of the match.
We will have 1 min. of added time.
Igor Miladinovic (St Etienne) gets a yellow card.
St Etienne failed to take advantage of the corner as the opposition's defence was alert and averted the threat.
Igor Miladinovic (St Etienne) sends in the corner, but fails to find the head of any of his teammates, allowing the defence to clear.
Marseille quickly take a corner kick with a short pass.
This shall not pass! Ulisses Garcia (Marseille) lines up a shot from the edge of the box and goes for goal, but the effort is well blocked by a defender. Marseille earn a corner.
Laurent Huard prepares a substitution. Pierre Ekwah is replaced by Igor Miladinovic (St Etienne).
Jonathan Rowe (Marseille) fails to beat the offside trap and the linesman puts his flag up.
0 - 4
Goal! Jonathan Rowe produces a great pass that finds Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg (Marseille) inside the penalty area, who takes advantage of the situation to rifle a low shot into the back of the net. 0:4.
The referee stops play so that a substitution can be made and Mathieu Cafaro departs the field of play to be replaced by Lucas Stassin (St Etienne).
Ulisses Garcia (Marseille) latches on to a precise defence-splitting pass and fires a nice strike from a promising distance towards the bottom left corner. Brice Maubleu has a clear sight of it makes a comfortable save.
Luis Henrique (Marseille) takes a short corner kick.
A cross from a mid-range free kick, taken by Marseille, is intercepted by one of the defenders.
The substitution has been made. Derek Cornelius (Marseille) has replaced Geoffrey Kondogbia.
Yunis Abdelhamid (St Etienne) is booked.
Jonathan Rowe (Marseille) picks up a yellow card for an infringement.
Yunis Abdelhamid (St Etienne) holds his opponent to prevent him from getting the ball and the referee blows his whistle for a foul. A free kick is awarded to Marseille.
Roberto De Zerbi has decided to substitute Neal Maupay and he is replaced by Elye Wahi (Marseille).
The referee stops play so that a substitution can be made and Quentin Merlin trots off the pitch and is replaced by Ulisses Garcia (Marseille).
0 - 3
Goal! Luis Henrique (Marseille) fires the rebound into the top left corner after the ball breaks to him in the box. The score is 0:3.
The referee allows time for a substitution. Mason Greenwood will be replaced by Ismael Kone (Marseille).
Roberto De Zerbi has decided to make a change. Jonathan Rowe (Marseille) replaces Adrien Rabiot.
Cheikh Fall (St Etienne) gets past Jeffrey De Lange in goal, but is driven too wide and the angle is just too tough to find the net.
That will be a yellow card for one of the players. The one who gets booked is Pierre Ekwah (St Etienne).
Neal Maupay (Marseille) receives a pass and tries his luck with a long-range powerful effort. His poorly placed shot lacks accuracy and flies way over the crossbar.
Marseille have a chance to score from a corner kick, but the ball is cleared by a defender.
Marseille take the free kick with a short pass.
Yunis Abdelhamid (St Etienne) manages to dispossess his opponent of the ball, but he commits a foul in the process and the referee blows his whistle. Marseille are awarded a free kick from a dangerous position.
Brice Maubleu makes a brilliant save! Mason Greenwood (Marseille) easily weaves through the defence and fires the ball from mid-range. His effort goes towards the middle of the goal but is saved by the keeper!
The corner is swung in but Marseille can’t take advantage as a defender sweeps the ball away.
Half-time substitution. Zuriko Davitashvili will not participate anymore and Ayman Aiki (St Etienne) is coming on.
Here is a change after the half-time break. Louis Mouton is replaced by Jebryl Sahraoui (St Etienne).
Everything is set for the start of the second half.
The referee blows his whistle to end the first half and the players are now heading to their respective dressing rooms.
Adrien Rabiot (Marseille) serves up a nice cross, but Brice Maubleu punches the ball away.
2 additional min. will be played.
Louis Mouton (St Etienne) is booked after bringing down an opponent. Jeremy Stinat had an easy-decision to make.
Marseille are playing possession football and controlling the game at present. They are exchanging inch-perfect passes from player to player, making it difficult for the opposition to win the ball.
Here is a change. Benjamin Bouchouari is going off and Laurent Huard gives the last tactical orders to Cheikh Fall (St Etienne).
0 - 2
Luis Henrique produces a cross from the resulting corner and finds Adrien Rabiot (Marseille) inside the box. He pulls the trigger and scores, sending the ball inside the left post. What a brilliant finish. 0:2.
Mason Greenwood (Marseille) goes over to take the corner kick and it looks like he will send the ball into the penalty box.
Valentin Rongier (Marseille) takes a short pass in his stride and attempts to beat the keeper from mid-range, but the shot screeches just wide of the right post.
Valentin Rongier (Marseille) collects a pass on the edge of the box but he slips the ball just wide of the right post.
Valentin Rongier (Marseille) makes some space for himself and from mid-range let's fly with a wild effort which goes high over the crossbar.
Jeremy Stinat shows a yellow card to Mathieu Cafaro (St Etienne) for his blatant foul.
0 - 1
Goal! Mason Greenwood (Marseille) shows perfect technique and produces a first-time effort from just outside the box that goes into the bottom right corner. It's 0:1.
Ibrahim Sissoko (St Etienne) can have an early bath after being sent off by the referee for a tackle that simply has no place in football!
Marseille fail to score from a corner as Brice Maubleu (St Etienne) leaps to collect the ball.
Luis Henrique (Marseille) dinks a cross into the box in an attempt to find one of his teammates, but the defence manages to clear. The referee points to the corner flag. It's a corner to Marseille.
Mason Greenwood (Marseille) swings in a cross from the corner, but Brice Maubleu reads it well and gathers the ball.
Luis Henrique (Marseille) wastes a good opportunity as his pass into the box is blocked by the defence. The ball is out of play. Marseille will have a chance to score from a corner.
Michael Murillo (Marseille) is flagged for offside.
Leonardo Balerdi (Marseille) wins the ball after the corner kick and takes a shot from the edge of the box, but it's blocked by one of the defending players.
Mason Greenwood (Marseille) goes over to take a corner kick after one of the defenders makes a good clearance.
Another attempt to send the ball beyond the defence by Luis Henrique (Marseille) is thwarted and cleared to safety. Marseille force a corner. Their opponents will face another attacking threat.
Adrien Rabiot (Marseille) makes a rough challenge and the referee blows for a foul.
Ibrahim Sissoko (St Etienne) is penalised for a foul. Jeremy Stinat had a clear view and blows his whistle.
Valentin Rongier (Marseille) volleys the ball towards goal from the edge of the penalty box, but one of the defenders blocks his shot.
The ball is whipped in from the corner by Zuriko Davitashvili (St Etienne), but one of the defenders gets it clear.
Ibrahim Sissoko (St Etienne) sends a lofted cross into the penalty area. Unfortunately for him, the opponent's defence deals with his cross comfortably and intercepts it. St Etienne force their opponents to concede a corner.
A quickly taken corner by Marseille.
A corner kick by Marseille is thwarted by the well prepared Brice Maubleu (St Etienne). Marseille will take a corner kick.
Geoffrey Kondogbia (Marseille) is offside and the linesman raises his flag.
Marseille take a short corner instead of sending the ball into the penalty area.
Today's match has just started, enjoy the game!
Marseille will kick-off.
The referee of today's match will be Jeremy Stinat.
The starting lineups for this match have been revealed.
Hello to all football fans, we are here to bring you a live commentary of the following match, describing all the most interesting and important moments. We'll make sure you won't miss a thing, so just sit back and have fun.

6.00 | 4.38 | 1.48


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