Sparta Rotterdam - Ajax
0:2 (0:0,0:2)
22.12.2024 12:15
Summary | Lineups | Stats | Commentary | Standings | H2H
That's the end of the match.
The attendance is 10599.
Remko Pasveer blocks Tobias Lauritsen (Sparta Rotterdam)'s effort from the edge of the box.
4 min. of stoppage-time to be played.
Jordan Henderson (Ajax) gets a yellow card.
The yellow card goes to Patrick van Aanholt (Sparta Rotterdam).
0 - 2
Goal! Bertrand Traore (Ajax) shows perfect technique and produces a first-time effort from just outside the box that goes into the bottom left corner. It's 0:2.
The linesman raises his flag for offside before Tobias Lauritsen (Sparta Rotterdam) heads on.
Charles-Andreas Brym (Sparta Rotterdam) goes for goal but he blazes his shot well over the top.
The ball spins to Steven Berghuis (Ajax) on the edge of the box. He hits across the ball and sends it goalwards, but it goes just wide of the left post.
The resulting set piece from Sparta Rotterdam is comfortably intercepted by one of the defending players.
Substitution. Said Bakari makes way for Kayky (Sparta Rotterdam).
Maurice Steijn has decided to introduce fresh legs, with Charles-Andreas Brym (Sparta Rotterdam) replacing Arno Verschueren.
The substitution has been made. Steven Berghuis (Ajax) has replaced Kenneth Taylor.
0 - 1
Goal! Kenneth Taylor (Ajax) calmly steps up and places the ball low into the middle of the goal.
Kenneth Taylor (Ajax) is heading towards the penalty spot to take it.
Said Bakari (Sparta Rotterdam) is clearly asking for some medical attention with his painful gestures. The extent of his injury is yet to be discovered.
Said Bakari (Sparta Rotterdam) brings his opponent down with a tackle and Allard Lindhout blows his whistle for a foul. Joy for one side, despair for the other as the referee gives a penalty to Ajax!
A corner kick by Sparta Rotterdam is thwarted by the well prepared Remko Pasveer (Ajax).
Mika Godts (Ajax) unleashes a bullet of a shot that is blocked by a defender. The ball goes out of play and Ajax have been awarded a corner kick.
Pelle Clement is substituted due to injury. Maurice Steijn gives a chance to Mohamed Nassoh (Sparta Rotterdam).
The ball falls to Pelle Clement (Sparta Rotterdam), but his shot towards the middle of the goal is weak and Remko Pasveer makes an easy save.
Camiel Neghli (Sparta Rotterdam) takes a shot from the edge of the box, but it's not a big threat for the goalkeeper as his effort is blocked by a defender.
The corner is swung in but Sparta Rotterdam can’t take advantage as a defender sweeps the ball away.
Tobias Lauritsen (Sparta Rotterdam) shoots from outside the box, but his effort is blocked.
It is time for a substitution. Brian Brobbey (Ajax) is on for Wout Weghorst.
Here comes a substitution. Davy Klaassen is given a rest as he is replaced by Kian Fitz-Jim (Ajax).
Maurice Steijn has decided to substitute Shunsuke Mito and he is replaced by Camiel Neghli (Sparta Rotterdam).
One of the defenders reacts at the last minute to brilliantly block a pass from Shunsuke Mito (Sparta Rotterdam).
That was close. Joshua Gaston Kitolano (Sparta Rotterdam) fires a shot from the edge of the box which goes a whisker wide of the right post.
That's an easy save for Remko Pasveer, following a first time shot towards the middle of the goal from Said Bakari (Sparta Rotterdam).
A good clearance by a defender means the corner comes to nothing for Sparta Rotterdam.
Shunsuke Mito (Sparta Rotterdam) has a shot blocked from inside the box.
A quickly taken corner by Ajax.
Kenneth Taylor (Ajax) tries to send the ball in front of the goal, but the opposition's defence averts the threat. The ball is out of play. A goal-scoring opportunity from a corner for Ajax.
None of the Sparta Rotterdam players could reach the corner kick as the ball was overhit and goes out of play.
The teams are back out for the second half and here is a change on the pitch. Francesco Farioli gives a chance to Bertrand Traore (Ajax) and Anton Gaaei is off.
The need to improve in the second half has brought about a change. Chuba Akpom comes off for Mika Godts (Ajax).
The referee blows his whistle to signal the start of the second half.
The referee blows his whistle to end the first half and the players are now heading to their respective dressing rooms.
Chuba Akpom (Ajax) shows too much aggression during an attacking move and ends up fouling his opponent.
Marvin Young (Sparta Rotterdam) makes a reckless foul in order to win the ball from his opponent. Allard Lindhout has a clear sight of it and blows his whistle. Free kick. Ajax will probably just try to cross the ball in from here.
The Sparta Rotterdam players are exchanging fine passes and are waiting for an opportunity to start an attack, but here's a mistake and a loss of possession.
Shunsuke Mito (Sparta Rotterdam) latches on to a precise pass on the edge of the box, but miskicks his shot and the ball goes high over the bar. Poor effort!
Joshua Gaston Kitolano (Sparta Rotterdam) is penalised for holding. Allard Lindhout signals a set piece.
The number of shots on goal at present is 0:0.
Marvin Young (Sparta Rotterdam) moves forward and unleashes a thunderous shot from distance that flies well over the bar.
Wout Weghorst (Ajax) fails to beat the offside trap and the linesman puts his flag up.
Anton Gaaei (Ajax) smacks a great volley at goal from inside the box, but sends the effort just wide of the right post.
The referee demonstrates he won't tolerate this behaviour. Pelle Clement (Sparta Rotterdam) is given a yellow card.
Devyne Rensch (Ajax) was too forceful with his tackle and Allard Lindhout interrupted the game to signal a free kick.
Davy Klaassen (Ajax) attempts to release Wout Weghorst with a through ball, but his effort is thwarted by one of the defending players.
Great teamplay by Ajax as they control the ball with a lot of short passes. Patience is the key if they want to find a gap in the defence to score.
Kenneth Taylor (Ajax) deprives his opponent of the ball, but the referee blows his whistle for a foul. He's not happy with the decision!
Sparta Rotterdam quickly take a corner kick with a short pass.
Arno Verschueren (Sparta Rotterdam) fails to find any of his teammates inside the box as his pass is blocked. Sparta Rotterdam have a corner.
Jorrel Hato (Ajax) swings a cross into the box, but it's far too close to Nick Olij, who smothers the ball.
The foul by Shunsuke Mito (Sparta Rotterdam) was seen by Allard Lindhout who didn't hesitate to blow the whistle.
What a chance that is! Tobias Lauritsen (Sparta Rotterdam) squanders a huge opportunity as he latches on to a perfect cross from the wing. He produces a bullet header from around the penalty spot which goes high over the crossbar!
Sparta Rotterdam can’t profit from the corner as the defence clear the ball upfield.
The match has just started.
The players are on the pitch and Sparta Rotterdam will have the kick-off.
Allard Lindhout is the one to supervise the game today.
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